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Podcast Archive


How to Retire in a Bear Market


According to a recent study by CNBC, if you retire during a bear market, you could end up with 66% less money for the rest of your life. How can you avoid this? Tune in to this episode to find out!

Topics: Retirement

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

How the Holidays Can Affect Your Retirement


The average person spends $1000 on Christmas presents. Don’t let holiday deals trick you into going overboard when it comes to shopping. On this episode, Paul is joined by special guest Erin Wood, Vice President of Wealth Planning for Carson Wealth. Tune in to hear the 4 critical factors you should keep in mind when buying gifts.

Topics: Retirement

Co-host: Paul West, Erin Wood

7 Retirement Blindspots


The very last thing you need in retirement is an unexpected financial surprise. On this episode of Wealth From Wisdom, Paul and Jim discuss the most common retirement blind spots, and how you could be avoiding them.

Topics: Retirement

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

Keep Your Money In Your Pocket


There is a fine line between daily monitoring your portfolio, and completely ignoring it. On this episode of Wealth From Wisdom, Paul and Jim discuss short term redemption fees, how to monitor your portfolio and how to keep your money in your pocket.

Topics: Retirement

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

Taxes Could Be Costing You More Than 50% of What You Earn


In a very special episode of Wealth From Wisdom, Paul and Jim are joined by Paul’s daughter, Cece West. They discuss taxes, money memories, the “Parent Tax,” and what babysitting, soccer refereeing, and lemonade stands have in common. Make sure you listen to this episode to hear all about what teenagers think about money, and how you can help your kids understand it better.

Topics: Taxes, Teenagers, Money

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell, Cece West

Discover New Tax Loopholes


Did you know there is a loophole in the 2018 tax plan that could save you a small fortune? Listen to this episode to learn how to save money while paying taxes.

Topics: Taxes

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

Recent Market Volatility


The “V-Word” reared it’s ugly head this week – volatility. No one can tell you what’s next, but we can agree that volatility is normal.

Topics: market volatility

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

Keep Your Money in Your Pocket


On this episode, Paul West and Jim Caldwell discuss traps you need to avoid and techniques that can help save you money when it comes to paying taxes. Nobody likes paying more than they have to, so make sure you tune in and learn how to keep your money in your pocket.

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

Save MILLIONS in Retirement


Typically, social security is thought of as boring. But, it is the most important financial decision you will make in your life. This episode talks about how you could be missing out on MILLIONS of dollars in retirement.

Topics: Retirement, Social Security

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

Your Biggest Questions About Saving and Investing For Retirement


Have you ever wondered if you’ve saved enough for retirement? How much you can afford to spend? Or if you’ll run out of money? On this episode, Paul and Jim answer your biggest questions about saving and investing for retirement.

Topics: Retirement, Investing, Saving

Co-host: Paul West, Jim Caldwell

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